import numpy as np import control import sympy as sp from scipy import signal from scipy.signal import lti, step import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sympy import symbols, solve, S from math import exp, pi, sqrt K_p = symbols('K_p') K_d = symbols('K_d') K_i = symbols('K_i') def routh_table(coefficients): # Start the Routh-Hurwitz table using the coefficients of the polynomial routh = [coefficients[0:2], coefficients[1:3]] # Initialize the first two rows rows = len(coefficients) - 1 for i in range(2, rows): row = [] for j in range(len(routh[0]) - 1): # Calculate the Routh-Hurwitz table elements using the formula numerator = routh[i - 1][0] * routh[i - 2][j + 1] - routh[i - 2][0] * routh[i - 1][j + 1] denominator = routh[i - 1][0] # Check if the denominator is zero to avoid division by zero if denominator == 0: row.append(0) else: row.append(numerator / denominator) # Fill the rest of the row if necessary if len(row) == 1: row.append(0) routh.append(row) # If the entire row is zero, use the special rule (add epsilon if necessary) if all([sp.simplify(term) == 0 for term in row]): row = [(sp.symbols('s') ** (rows - i - 1 - k)) for k in range(len(row) + 1)] routh.append(row) return routh def q1(): K = symbols('K', real=True) conditions_p0 = [ 5 > 0, # a_3 25 + 5 * K > 0, # a_2 6 * K > 0, # a_1 5 * K > 0, # a_0 ] conditions_p2 = [ 5 > 0, # a_3 35 + 5 * K > 0, # a_2 50 + 16 * K > 0, # a_1 5 * K > 0, # a_0 ] stability_range_p0 = solve(conditions_p0, K) stability_range_p2 = solve(conditions_p2, K) print(stability_range_p0, stability_range_p2) # K, P, s = sp.symbols('K P s') # coefficients = [5, 25 + 5 * K + 5 * P, 25 * P + 6 * K + 5 * K * P, 5 * K] # routh_table_result = routh_table(coefficients) # for row in routh_table_result: print(row) def q2(): # Redefine symbols if necessary K2, K3 = symbols('K2 K3', real=True) # Coefficients a1 = 8 + 2 * K3 a2 = 26 + 10 * K3 + 2 * K2 a3 = 26 + 12 * K3 + 6 * K2 # Routh-Hurwitz additional term b1 = (1 * a2 - a1 * a3) / a1 # Conditions cond1 = a1 > 0 cond2 = a3 > 0 cond3 = b1 > 0 # Solve the inequalities solution_cond1 = solve(cond1, K3, domain=S.Reals) solution_cond2 = solve(cond2, K2, domain=S.Reals) solution_cond3 = solve(cond3, K2, domain=S.Reals) print(solution_cond1, solution_cond2, solution_cond3) def q3(): num = [1] den = [1, 12, 20] sys =, den) A, B, C, D = control.ssdata(sys) poles = [-20, -30] # Compute the observer gain matrix L L =, C.T, poles).T # Print the observer gain matrix print('Observer gain matrix L:', L) def q4(): ... def q5(): # part a def steady_state_error(K): s ='s') G = K * (s + 6) / (s**3 + 15 * s**2 + (62 + K) * s + (72 + 6 * K)) Kp = control.evalfr(G, 0) ess = 1 / (1 + Kp) return ess # Find the minimum value of K that ensures steady-state error is at most 5% K_min = 1 while steady_state_error(K_min) > 0.05: K_min += 1 print(f'The minimum value of K that ensures a steady-state error of at most 5% is: {K_min}') # Verify the steady-state error for the minimum K value ess_min = steady_state_error(K_min) print(f'Steady-state error for K = {K_min}: {ess_min:.4f}') # Recalculate the steady-state value with corrected understanding K = 228 ss_value_corrected = 6 * K / (6 * K + 72) # Recalculate the steady-state error for a step disturbance ss_error_corrected = 1 - ss_value_corrected ss_error_corrected def q6(): ... def q7(): # Continuous-time transfer function num_c = [1] den_c = [1, 10] sys_c = signal.TransferFunction(num_c, den_c) # Discretize using ZOH method dt = 0.01 # sampling time sys_d = signal.cont2discrete((num_c, den_c), dt, method='zoh') # Extract numerator and denominator coefficients num_d, den_d, _ = signal.tfdata(sys_d) num_d = num_d.flatten() den_d = den_d.flatten() print('Discrete-time transfer function:') print(f'num = {num_d}') print(f'den = {den_d}') # Difference equation coefficients b = num_d a = den_d print('\nDifference equation:') print(f'y[k] = {a[1]:.4f}*y[k-1] + {a[2]:.4f}*y[k-2] + {b[0]:.4f}*u[k] + {b[1]:.4f}*u[k-1]') # Simulate the discrete-time system t = np.arange(0, 1, dt) u = np.ones_like(t) # step input _, y = signal.dlsim(sys_d, u, t) # Plot the step response plt.figure() plt.plot(t, y, label='Discrete-time') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.title('Step Response') plt.grid() plt.legend() def q8(): # part a s = symbols('s') # Coefficients for the second order polynomial in the denominator zeta_omega_n = 8 # This is 2*zeta*omega_n omega_n_squared = 36 # This is omega_n^2 # Solve for natural frequency (omega_n) and damping ratio (zeta) omega_n = omega_n_squared**0.5 zeta = zeta_omega_n / (2 * omega_n) print(omega_n, zeta) # Calculate percent overshoot (%OS) percent_overshoot = 100 * exp(-pi * zeta / sqrt(1 - zeta**2)) # Calculate settling time (Ts) with 2% criterion settling_time = 4 / (zeta * omega_n) print(percent_overshoot, settling_time) real_part_poles = -4 # Real part of the complex poles # Values of z to test z_values = [-4, 0, -10] # Time vector for simulation t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) # Plotting setup plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) for z in z_values: # Define the transfer function num = [96, 96 * z] # Coefficients of the numerator den = [1, 16, 116, 288] # Coefficients of the denominator system = lti(num, den) # Time response t, y = step(system, T=t) # Plot plt.plot(t, y, label=f'z = {z}') plt.title('Step Response for Different Values of z') plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Response') plt.grid(True) plt.legend() # vim: set tw=119 ts=2 sw=2 ai et :