import numpy as np import control # Given requirements OS = 0.10 # 10% overshoot Ts = 0.5 # 0.5 second settling time # Calculating damping ratio (zeta) from overshoot zeta = np.sqrt(np.log(OS) ** 2 / (np.pi**2 + np.log(OS) ** 2)) # Calculating natural frequency (omega_n) from settling time and damping ratio wn = 4 / (zeta * Ts) print('zeta:', zeta, 'omega_n:', wn) # Define the plant model A = np.array([[-1, 1], [0, 2]]) B = np.array([[0], [1]]) C = np.array([[1, 1]]) D = 0 # Create state space model plant =, B, C, D) # Augment the plant with an integrator A_aug = np.block([[A, np.zeros((2, 1))], [-C, 0]]) B_aug = np.block([[B], [0]]) C_aug = np.block([[C, 0]]) D_aug = np.array([[0]]) plant_aug =, B_aug, C_aug, D_aug) # Desired closed-loop poles for 10% overshoot and 0.5s settling time desired_poles = np.roots([1, 2 * zeta * wn, wn**2]) desired_poles = np.append(desired_poles, -10 * np.max(np.abs(desired_poles))) print('Desired poles:', desired_poles) # Design the state feedback gain matrix K =, plant_aug.B, desired_poles) # Extract the integral gain ki = K[0, 2] # Define the controller transfer function controller_tf =[ki], [1, 0]) # Compute the open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions open_loop_tf = control.series(controller_tf, plant) closed_loop_tf =, 1) # Print the mathematical models print('Plant model:') print(plant) print('\nAugmented plant model:') print(plant_aug) print('\nState feedback gains:') print(f'K = {K}') print('\nIntegral controller transfer function:') print(controller_tf) print('\nOpen-loop transfer function:') print(open_loop_tf) print('\nClosed-loop transfer function:') print(closed_loop_tf)