import control import numpy as np # Define the transfer function num = [3, 4, -2] den = [1, 3, 7, 5] sys =, den) # Convert to state-space representation sys_ss = # Print the state-space matrices print('A =') print(sys_ss.A) print('B =') print(sys_ss.B) print('C =') print(sys_ss.C) print('D =') print(sys_ss.D) # Extract state-space matrices A = sys_ss.A B = sys_ss.B # Compute the controllability matrix n = A.shape[0] # Number of states C = np.hstack([B] + [np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i) @ B for i in range(1, n)]) # Check rank of controllability matrix rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(C) print('Controllability Matrix:') print(C) print(f'\nRank of Controllability Matrix: {rank}') print(f'Number of States: {n}') if rank == n: print('The system is controllable.') else: print('The system is not controllable.') # Desired closed-loop pole locations poles = [-4, -4, -5] # Compute the state feedback gain vector K using Ackermann's formula K = control.acker(A, B, poles) print('State Feedback Gain Vector K:') print(K)