import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Define the transfer function def G(s): return 300 * (s + 100) / (s * (s + 10) * (s + 40)) # Generate frequency vector (in rad/s) w = np.logspace(-2, 3, 1000) # Compute magnitude and phase mag = 300 * np.abs(1j * w + 100) / (np.abs(1j * w) * np.abs(1j * w + 10) * np.abs(1j * w + 40)) phase = np.angle(G(1j * w), deg=True) # Asymptotic magnitude approximation asymp_mag = np.zeros_like(w) asymp_mag[w < 10] = 300 * 100 / (10 * 40) # DC gain asymp_mag[(w >= 10) & (w < 40)] = 300 * 100 / (w[np.where((w >= 10) & (w < 40))] * 40) # -20 dB/dec slope asymp_mag[w >= 40] = 300 * 100 / (w[w >= 40] ** 2) # -40 dB/dec slope # Asymptotic phase approximation asymp_phase = np.zeros_like(w) asymp_phase[w < 1.59] = 0 # 0 deg asymp_phase[(w >= 1.59) & (w < 10)] = -90 # -90 deg asymp_phase[(w >= 10) & (w < 40)] = -180 # -180 deg asymp_phase[w >= 40] = -270 # -270 deg # Plot Bode diagram fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) ax1.loglog(w, mag) ax1.loglog(w, asymp_mag, '--') ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude') ax1.set_title('Asymptotic Bode Plot') ax1.grid(which='both') ax2.semilogx(w, phase) ax2.semilogx(w, asymp_phase, '--') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (rad/s)') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)') ax2.grid(which='both') plt.tight_layout()